Metal Manufacturing

Professional metal manufacturing services in British Columbia


From hydraulic power units to emergency oil spill cleanup and recovery equipment, Aggressive Tube Bending has the expertise to manufacture mechanical and hydraulic/pneumatic equipment to the highest levels of quality and reliability. We take pride in providing quality precision metal manufacturing services in British Columbia. Our team strives to meet all your expectations.


When we need machined parts for manufactured products, our CNC machinists, mill and lathe give us the precision and consistency to produce the required components for any sort of manufactured metal.

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In business since 1987, our commitment to customer service and quality workmanship has fueled our growth and allowed us to expand our capabilities to offer “one-stop” bending and fabricating services to a wide range of customers.

Contact Us

9750 – 188th Street Surrey, BC
Canada V4N 3M2

Copyright 2021 - Aggressive Tube Bending